Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Years Resolutions

The new year has just begun and as you all know this calls for New Years Resolutions. I for one have a habit of making up ridiculous ones that I will never in a million years stick to. This year is different. I have decided to change just a few things in my life in order to become a better person, feel more confident and just become happier overall. As I have not been posting on this for some time (slap on the wrist*) most of you may not know that the end of 2012 was particularly tough for me.

From September until December I changed many many things I left my job working in a nightclub, I moved out of the apartment I shared with my boyfriend, and I moved my ass down to Galway.

What was I thinking..?

I hated Galway with a passion, more than anywhere else. I was alone, I was bored in my job(I was working in a cafe), I missed my family, I missed my (real) friends back in Athlone and I missed Paul. My reason for moving? The year previous I was meant to move down to Galway but due to circumstances I could not. This affected me so much. I felt I was missing out and I needed to be with my friends (other friends who were in college in Galway). My boyfriend, who is so understanding told me I should just go and move down there and finally get it out of my system. Thank god I did because it made me realize that number one, I have an amazing boyfriend who will no doubt look after me always, and number two I learned who my real friends are. Learning this has made me feel so much better in myself.

I am a twenty year old woman who is going on ninety! :) I dislike drinking and partying until all hours unlike other twenty year olds do. This always made me feel out of place as I am more interested in movie nights and pampering myself than going out getting hammered. I love going out with my real friends though as they love to dance! Nights out with them are not about who can get drunk the fastest, they are about having fun, which is exactly what I need!

Something else which happened in November of last year was my boyfriend finally getting his visa to Canada! We had been waiting so long for it to come through and for him to finally get over there and start working. I am so happy for him in every-way, he is such a hard worker and he never lets me down. I miss him more than anything in the world but I know that soon enough we shall be back together again as I have applied for my visa and I should be out there by April. :)

Now that I have finished rambling you may be wondering about the title of this post, New Years Resolutions. My new years resolutions for this year are to start swimming and going to the gym more. I will be getting a gym membership on Thursday and it will take off from there. My reason for this is I need to de-stress. I am very highly strung at the moment and I need a way to vent. Therefore what better way to do that than letting my anger out on a treadmill. Two birds one stone eh?

My second resolution is to start blogging more frequently. Yes I know I am constantly saying Ill start blogging more and I never do but now that I have my new camera (Thanks babe :D) I can start taking better blog pictures and doing more reviews. I would also like to do personal posts from time to time, mostly just about things going on in my life or topics I feel strongly about. I feel this will also be another great way to vent my feelings and keep me sane.

I also need to tidy my room but that wont happen :/

I guess I will end it here so, this is getting pretty lengthy already. I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas and a fantastic new year. I hope 2013 is even better than last year! :)

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