Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thirty day WHAT!?

Yes. I Louise Quigley shall be attempting the Thirty day squat challenge. What is wrong with me I hear you all shout? I want a nice ass that's what. One of my favourite things to do is scroll through instagram looking up health and fitness pages, how to eat well etc etc and I came across this challenge. Now. I personally love squats, they hurt like hell but so worth it. So when I saw this I thought to myself, "hmm that could be fun" or it might not. Hahah either way if I complete it I might see some results. I am currently on day three of this challenge, but I had started doing my own squats 2 days prior. The first two three days hurt but today I feel fine! Maybe I should do a few extra throughout the day for added benefit.

Have any of you guys tried this challenge before? Is there any other challenges you have heard of? If so comment down below because I would love to try some other ones. Also if you know of any great health and fitness blogs could you leave them down below too.

Thanks guys :)

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