Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The return of the terrible blogger.

Hey guys! I just wanted to update you all on what's been going on! I have been without Internet now for the past month almost and so I have not been able to post anything :( Not to worry though, we should have Internet in our house in the next few days and you can expect me to be posting much more frequently! It has been a rough month to be honest, I have had some sad times and bad times recently. I have made loads of amazing new friends and I have also lost someone very dear to me, my grandfather. It has been even more difficult due to me being in Australia and not being able to go home for the funeral. The joys of having no money. But alas, that is life. I plan on doing so much more with this blog in the next coming months. I hope to do more fashion posts, fitness posts and general life updates along with the usual makeup reviews and hauls. I hope you guys stick with me even though I truly am a horrific blogger. :) thanks guys!

Lou XO

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