Saturday, July 27, 2013

Toni and Guy Cleanse: Shampoo for advanced Detox

We all have those days when you wash your hair and two seconds later its a greasy mess. Yes its probably our own fault loading it up with hairspray, creams, lotions and potions, but hey we need all those things!The joys of being a girl eh? So what are we supposed to do? Normal shampoos clearly are not working so something stronger is needed. This is where Toni and Guy come to the rescue. This shampoo is from the Toni and Guy Cleanse range and to be perfectly honest it really is an amazing shampoo. I use this around once a week to keep my hair looking and feeling super clean, and believe me it works.

I was worried that it may be a bit drying on my hair, but it has actually been the complete opposite. My hair feels so much better since using this product. I think that it comes down to the fact the hair is so clean, conditioner or treatments sink in better leaving it super soft. WIN! I really have no complaints about this product. I purchased it while in Australia so I am unsure of the price but I believe it is pretty affordable. I highly recommend this product if you are looking for a super clarifying shampoo. I myself will definitely be checking out some more products from this range.

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