Saturday, July 27, 2013

Toni and Guy Cleanse: Shampoo for advanced Detox

We all have those days when you wash your hair and two seconds later its a greasy mess. Yes its probably our own fault loading it up with hairspray, creams, lotions and potions, but hey we need all those things!The joys of being a girl eh? So what are we supposed to do? Normal shampoos clearly are not working so something stronger is needed. This is where Toni and Guy come to the rescue. This shampoo is from the Toni and Guy Cleanse range and to be perfectly honest it really is an amazing shampoo. I use this around once a week to keep my hair looking and feeling super clean, and believe me it works.

I was worried that it may be a bit drying on my hair, but it has actually been the complete opposite. My hair feels so much better since using this product. I think that it comes down to the fact the hair is so clean, conditioner or treatments sink in better leaving it super soft. WIN! I really have no complaints about this product. I purchased it while in Australia so I am unsure of the price but I believe it is pretty affordable. I highly recommend this product if you are looking for a super clarifying shampoo. I myself will definitely be checking out some more products from this range.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

My Top Five Favourite Lipsticks!

L-R: L'Oreal Rouge Caresse Lipstick in 01 Fashionista Pink, YSL Rouge Volupte Lipstick in 07 Lingerie Pink, M.A.C Lipstick in Rebel, Topshops Secret Admirer, Sleek's Pout Paint in Port

L'Oreal Rouge Caresse Lipstick in Fashionista Pink: This is what I wear pretty much everyday and especially on days when I am not wearing too much makeup. Its not really a lipstick per say more of a lightly tinted balm. I am not usually one for glossy lips but I quite like the glossy-ness of this product, maybe its because its in no way sticky and won't cause your hair to be stuck to your face for the day. God I hate that.. Never the less this shade will suit any skin-tone, its a light pink colour that just makes the lips look plump, glossy and moisturised. Nothing wrong with that!

YSL Rouge Volupte Lipstick in Lingerie Pink: I recently mentioned this lipstick in my favourites video (June Favourites). Its a pretty popular colour amongst beauty bloggers and I first hear of it through Elle or AllThatGlitters21 on YouTube. This lipstick is insanely pigmented and as I said in my video you have to apply it lightly or it can look cakey. Also if you have medium to dark skin it could look a little concealer like. Not always a good look, if ever. But to each their own. :)

M.A.Cs Rebel: This is probably my favourite MAC lipstick, I love to wear this on nights out as its a really pretty, berry red colour,and in my opinion it suits my pale complexion. It has a sheeny finish to it and is very comfortable on the lips. It stains slightly but as its lasts a pretty long time I don't think of this as a bad thing.

Topshop's Secret Admirer: I have recently spoken about this lipstick in one of my previous posts (Review: Topshop Lipsticks) and it remains one of my favourites. Its a peachy colour that is slightly glossy and is comfortable to wear on the lips.

Sleek's Pout Paint in Port: This is not exactly a lipstick, but seeing as it's super pigmented and I love it, I'm adding it in. A little goes a long way with this product so don't over do it! Its a great colour for every skin tone and lasts ages on you lips. I urge everyone to check out these pout paints as you won't be disappointed. They come in a range of different colours that can be mixed to create your own unique shade. What's not to love?

What are your favourite lipsticks? Do you own any of the ones I have mentioned?