Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Big Move.

As I have mentioned before myself and my boyfriend are moving abroad. At first we were meant to move to Canada but due to ridiculous reasons that all changed. We still plan on eventually heading over there but for now we are moving Down Under, and I couldn't be happier. Being a cold blooded creature myself, the warm sunny beaches of Australia always appealed to me. It had been our first choice, and as I had family down over there, it made perfect sense. We are leaving in no less than ten days and I couldn't be more excited. I have my camera ready for action and no doubt I will be photographing everything in sight!

To be perfectly honest I am not one bit worried or anxious about this huge move. The only thing stressing me out is if my suitcase will be overweight! (I need ten pairs of shoes ok!)Other than that it really hasn't hit me yet. Anyways we will be back in August for my boyfriends exam so no big deal really. :) We are heading to Adelaide first, as that is where my family live and then we will be moving on after six months.

I cannot wait to see my family and my cousins again but the thing I am most looking forward to is holding a Koala! I love them! I am however, a little anxious about the snakes and such.. Knowing my luck Ill manage to find them wherever I am. Saint Patrick I need your help!

This is turning out to be quite a rambly post altogether which, if I am honest, are my favourite kind to write. They are way more relaxing and I can open up a bit more about the things going on in my life at the moment, and let you all have a sneak peek into my weird world. :)

I have a few reviews lines up on things I have been trying out but if I am not on this for a while, bear in mind I am probably sunbathing. :)



  1. Had no idea you even had a blog,somehow stubbled apon it. Hope you and Paul well abroad..sad to have lost contact but hey hoe thats life!

    1. Hello! Yeah I find it super hard to keep writing on it though! Gets a bit tedious at times! Thank you! We are just waiting on our farming at the moment but that should be happening in a week! Yeah its sukky! But I'm back on facebook so I shall add you!
