Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Big Move.

As I have mentioned before myself and my boyfriend are moving abroad. At first we were meant to move to Canada but due to ridiculous reasons that all changed. We still plan on eventually heading over there but for now we are moving Down Under, and I couldn't be happier. Being a cold blooded creature myself, the warm sunny beaches of Australia always appealed to me. It had been our first choice, and as I had family down over there, it made perfect sense. We are leaving in no less than ten days and I couldn't be more excited. I have my camera ready for action and no doubt I will be photographing everything in sight!

To be perfectly honest I am not one bit worried or anxious about this huge move. The only thing stressing me out is if my suitcase will be overweight! (I need ten pairs of shoes ok!)Other than that it really hasn't hit me yet. Anyways we will be back in August for my boyfriends exam so no big deal really. :) We are heading to Adelaide first, as that is where my family live and then we will be moving on after six months.

I cannot wait to see my family and my cousins again but the thing I am most looking forward to is holding a Koala! I love them! I am however, a little anxious about the snakes and such.. Knowing my luck Ill manage to find them wherever I am. Saint Patrick I need your help!

This is turning out to be quite a rambly post altogether which, if I am honest, are my favourite kind to write. They are way more relaxing and I can open up a bit more about the things going on in my life at the moment, and let you all have a sneak peek into my weird world. :)

I have a few reviews lines up on things I have been trying out but if I am not on this for a while, bear in mind I am probably sunbathing. :)


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

L'Oreal Elvive Triple Resist Hair Mask

I love hair masks. Well, to be fair, I love anything that can get my hair super shiny, super soft and super swishy (you know what I mean). Having quite long hair means I have to try much harder to keep it in tip top condition. I have tried hair oils, serums, masks, treatments you name it, I've tried it, just to get my hair looking great. I picked up this L'Oreal one in Dunnes a few weeks back as it was on offer and I felt my hair needed a boost. It cost around €3 for a big tub of it. It says to use this on wet hair but I prefer using masks on dry hair as I personally feel that they penetrate the hair better leaving it much softer. So off I went and applied it to the lengths and ends of my hair and left it for around an hour maybe? I then washed and blow dried my hair. To be perfectly honest I was not blown away. My hair did not feel amazingly soft and shiny. Gutted. I did not want to give up though and when I tried it again I used it on wet hair, again nothing. It really did not do much for my hair at all, at least nothing I could see or feel. I then started to just use it as a regular conditioner in the shower. Its quite a thin mask and washes out easy enough. I don't particularly find it weighs my hair down either, but I have noticed my hair getting drier? Could this be from the mask?

It says it contains a reinforcing serum, arginine and protein. Now after reading blogs and watching YouTube videos for many years, I know that using too much protein in your hair can actually have a reverse effect on it causing it to dry out. Perhaps this is causing my hair to become drier? I may have to stop using this mask every time I wash my hair and switch it out with a regular conditioner to keep it from breaking.

Have any of you tried this mask? What were your thoughts? And have you any recommendations for getting shiny hair?


Saturday, February 2, 2013

25 Random Facts about me

1. I am moving to Australia in one month and then on to Canada.

2. My favourite city is New York and I have dreamed of living there.

3. I had no hair until I was three. *Baldgirlproblems

4. I collect Sylvanian Families, and yes I am twenty years old. *Don't Judge

5. I am a fully qualifies makeup artist, and I graduated from Senior College Dun Laoighre in 2011.

6. My favourite Disney princess is Belle.

7. My boyfriend and I collect DVDs especially Disney ones.

8. I have a mild obsession with Terry's Chocolate Orange and Dime bars. (Daim bars?)

9. I am super pale.

10. My all time favourite band is Avenged Sevenfold, and I plan on getting a death-bat tattoo soon.

11. I am useless at Maths and can't add to save my life.

12. I am OBSESSED with the colour blue. (Turquoise, teal whatever you call it!)

13. I suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and I am sooooo moody in Winter. Thanks Ireland.

14. I will cry at anything animal related.

15. I love my boyfriend. :)

16. I am extremely shy and nervous around people.

17. I can drive :D

18. I live in Converse and skinny jeans.

19. I really enjoy healthy food and love a good green tea.

20. I may or may not own a huge Star Wars poster..

21. I love Star Wars.

22. I need a Great Dane in my life.

23. I once owned a fish called Kevin Bacon.

24. I am always cold. ALWAYS!

25. Tom Hardy.. ;)

I hope you guys liked this post, I really liked doing it! :) I got the idea from Zoe (Zoella) and thought it sounded super fun! And FYI I don't have my septum pierced anymore but I miss that bad-boy so much!