Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Welcome to my life. | Sunday Blues

Just a few random pictures taken from my phone that I thought I would share with you guys. :)

Our beloved Camry, which I miss.. and Paul :P
My dream car, a Bel Air.
My garden when it snowed :)
A picture of Marilyn Monroe made entirely out of chocolate.
The first Koala I ever did see. I cried..
Funny sign we spotted while driving through Australia :)
Random lady we stopped just so I could get a picture with her dog. I love Great Danes :)
Getting to meet Suzanne Jackson of 
My new boots from River Island :D

Hope you all enjoyed this slightly different post. I just wanted to share some of my favourite pictures with you all. If you guys like these types of posts I will continue to do them :)

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