Saturday, May 5, 2012

Primark Nail Polish - Who knew it would be this good?

Hey guys! So I was shopping recently in Penneys (Primark whatever) and I came across their range of nail polishes. I have two polishes from them from a while back, one from their Glo baby glo nail polishes (which glow under UV light and look so cool) and one of their Anjelica nail polishes. I adore the Glo one, its super opaque, creamy and a lovely polish to work with. On the other hand the Anjelica one I purchased was not so good. It was watery and came out a horrible colour. I had purchased what I thought was a nice orange called Hip Hop, but once applied to your nails it turns a gross neon pink colour which was not what I had wanted. This put me of purchasing any other colours from this line, until I came across what I think is their Spring/Summer collection. This collection has the most gorgeous pastel shades ever! Yellow, pink, orange and blue, I love them! I picked up four, a blue, a purple, pink and a coral colour.
Glo Baby Glo Polish
Here are the colours from the spring collection that I picked up.
So there you have it guys, I would highly recommend you check these polishes out they are amazing and I love them! I am currently wearing sorbet on my nails and its such a pretty color and compliments my skin tone well. I hope you guys enjoyed this and I will be back soon with a mini nail polish haul! Bye guys :)